While you brilliantly describe the insanity that passes for UK governance right now, you cannot ignore Germany's Energiewende policy, which for the past decade has been undermining the previous European champion and seems set to collapse their own economy before Messr's Starmer and Milliband can pull the same trick in the UK.
I feel for you and can only thank our lucky stars in the US we are not following that road to ruin
Hi Andy , thank you for reading and commenting . And it’s true . I’m reading so much about Germany not keeping up. And it’s destroyed its own car industry with which it led the world for SO long . It’s a crime . Germans seem happy enough with what’s going on though ?
This is an excellent article Tom. I learned a lot from it and enjoyed reading it. The chart showing deaths from climate events should become compulsory reading for all MPs and should be the basis of a TV debate or some such thing to help educate the public and debunk the nonsense we get fed by loons like Caroline Lucas who should be forced to explain that chart! Your closing remarks on Labour and Miliband’s mission to reduce UK emissions by 81% (from a low base) by 2035 while I presume China and India will continue to increase, are prescient. With your permission I will copy your climate death chart and send it to some of my friends who seem to me to have lost their minds on this issue?
'Climate change' has for very many decades been the tool of elites like the Rockefellers, Kissinger, assorted Neo-Malthusians like Maurice Strong, Paul Ehrlich and NGOs like the Club of Rome, the UN and WEF, the EU, World Bank, IMF and Central Banks everywhere to deliberately create a (completely unfounded) scare to, via decarbonisation, cause degrowth, poverty and disempowerment for ordinary people - so that we can be controlled and our assets taken away from us via digital IDs and central banks digital currency.
“It’s a sair fecht” as we say in these parts, the dreary Monday morning feeling that the UK will continue sliding into ruination after the euphoria of Trump’s first week in the USA.
My MP didn’t reply so I sent him a follow-up email yesterday to berate him some more and to spell out all the great things Trump is setting about doing. I’ve Bcc copied various publishers including Joel so hopefully it will end up online as well.
To quote from the executive summary: 'Is the PV power potential in a specific country or region good enough to take advantage of solar power, and on what scale? This is a question often asked by policymakers and businesses alike, and one that this report attempts to shed further light on.'
Where does the UK come in this ranking? 239. The location of our cloudy, northern European country is THE SECOND WORST IN THE WORLD FOR SOLAR POWER (surpassed only by Ireland which is at 240).
Another excellent article Tom. You had my attention from the first paragraph: “The Guardian always reports with the sort of dramatic pessimism of someone not getting enough attention at a party, so breaks down in tears or collides with the snack table.” If the Guardian had a TikTok account, they would livestream their tantrum.
While you brilliantly describe the insanity that passes for UK governance right now, you cannot ignore Germany's Energiewende policy, which for the past decade has been undermining the previous European champion and seems set to collapse their own economy before Messr's Starmer and Milliband can pull the same trick in the UK.
I feel for you and can only thank our lucky stars in the US we are not following that road to ruin
Hi Andy , thank you for reading and commenting . And it’s true . I’m reading so much about Germany not keeping up. And it’s destroyed its own car industry with which it led the world for SO long . It’s a crime . Germans seem happy enough with what’s going on though ?
In fact, I don't think that is true, hence the recent shifting toward AfD and their policies of anti-migration and realistic energy goals
This is an excellent article Tom. I learned a lot from it and enjoyed reading it. The chart showing deaths from climate events should become compulsory reading for all MPs and should be the basis of a TV debate or some such thing to help educate the public and debunk the nonsense we get fed by loons like Caroline Lucas who should be forced to explain that chart! Your closing remarks on Labour and Miliband’s mission to reduce UK emissions by 81% (from a low base) by 2035 while I presume China and India will continue to increase, are prescient. With your permission I will copy your climate death chart and send it to some of my friends who seem to me to have lost their minds on this issue?
Thank you - and of course you can share as much as you like - thank you for reading and commenting. Tom
'Climate change' has for very many decades been the tool of elites like the Rockefellers, Kissinger, assorted Neo-Malthusians like Maurice Strong, Paul Ehrlich and NGOs like the Club of Rome, the UN and WEF, the EU, World Bank, IMF and Central Banks everywhere to deliberately create a (completely unfounded) scare to, via decarbonisation, cause degrowth, poverty and disempowerment for ordinary people - so that we can be controlled and our assets taken away from us via digital IDs and central banks digital currency.
it's becoming v hard to argue against this - although it seems Trump is overturning this plan, leaving UK, Germany and France as the Net Zero nations.
“It’s a sair fecht” as we say in these parts, the dreary Monday morning feeling that the UK will continue sliding into ruination after the euphoria of Trump’s first week in the USA.
Here’s an email I recently wrote to my MP on the climate change hoax, kindly posted online by my pal Joel Smalley: https://metatron.substack.com/p/climate-change-and-the-corruption.
My MP didn’t reply so I sent him a follow-up email yesterday to berate him some more and to spell out all the great things Trump is setting about doing. I’ve Bcc copied various publishers including Joel so hopefully it will end up online as well.
Good work Douglas. I'll have a look at that now.
Good piece. In addition to the intermittency of solar, which you described, there's another problem with it - at least in the UK.
In 2020 the World Bank produced a report that ranked the world's 240 countries for their solar voltaic (PV) potential.
To quote from the executive summary: 'Is the PV power potential in a specific country or region good enough to take advantage of solar power, and on what scale? This is a question often asked by policymakers and businesses alike, and one that this report attempts to shed further light on.'
Where does the UK come in this ranking? 239. The location of our cloudy, northern European country is THE SECOND WORST IN THE WORLD FOR SOLAR POWER (surpassed only by Ireland which is at 240).
Wow, is that right? So the destruction of farmland for the white elephant of solar power.
Another excellent article Tom. You had my attention from the first paragraph: “The Guardian always reports with the sort of dramatic pessimism of someone not getting enough attention at a party, so breaks down in tears or collides with the snack table.” If the Guardian had a TikTok account, they would livestream their tantrum.
Cheers Rebecca. Always a pleasure.
The UN and its age das has condemned us all to a hellish future. Even USA will succumb. Uk is the trial