The climate disaster is here, apparently. A terrifying headline that were it not in the Guardian might be taken seriously. The Guardian always reports with the sort of dramatic pessimism of someone not getting enough attention at a party, so breaks down in tears or collides with the snack table. Were it a person and not a newspaper, it would never leave its safe space where it colours-in calming pictures of My Little Pony and rainbows and scribbles articles about the patriarchy of heathland and how keeping a pet tortoise is racist.
As we know, they are not alone. “We are on a catastrophic path,” says António Guterres, secretary general of the UN, “We can either save our world or condemn humanity to a hellish future.” His hyperbole limiter must have short-circuited when he added that humanity has “opened the gates of hell.” Climate alarmists always sound like they’re auditioning for a Roland Emmerich disaster movie. The world’s favourite truant and WEF quockerwodger Greta somehow managed to finish her lines “We’re at the beginning of a mass extinction” without wailing and beating the floor with her fists. Meanwhile, the Two-Tier Starmer robot stated in 2020 that "There is no more important challenge than the climate emergency.”
The Independent isn’t far behind the Guardian in the tantrum stakes, reporting that the United States is historically responsible for the largest share of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere.’ As though this is established fact rather than an increasingly challenged theory, by scientists such as Nobel prize laureate John Clauser, who identifies natural mechanisms such as solar cycles, orbital/lunar cycles, cloud variability, ocean cycles, volcanoes, ozone variability, urban heat islands, in affecting earth temperatures. He is someone who is identifying the real hellish future: the Net Zero world.
UN client scientists claim climate change has caused an increase in natural disasters fivefold in last 50 years. In fact, there’s been a 92% decline in natural disaster deaths since the 1920s, during a period in which the global temperature rose 1.3 degrees centigrade. Wildfires and hurricanes are always the headliners at any global boiling catastrophe festival as examples of ‘extreme weather’ as claimed by news reporters before they have even stepped from their PRESS vehicles. But hurricanes aren’t increasing in frequency, while wild fires are a historical phenomena, and have been often been proved as arson.
However, the climate disaster is here, it’s in the UK, and is not being reported as fully as it might be. This involves the loss of farmland the same size as that within the M25. It involves mass job losses in car manufacturing, and the oil industry at Grangemouth in Scotland, not to mention the decommissioning of North Sea rigs. The UK is losing its primary steel industry and much of its chemicals industry. The crisis risks blackouts with unreliable energy supply and volatile prices of electricity. The bleak climate change outlook from the governing bodies and billionaire funded charities is resulting in mental illness and stress. There are moments when the UK is paying some of the highest prices for power in the world, costing consumers at least £17m extra on their bills to import gas to keep lights, medical equipment, and indeed society on line. Is this the gates of hell that Guterres mentioned?
The manmade UK Net Zero crisis involves losing £billions of tax payers money who are paying for fundamentally flawed energy provision. Subsequent tax rises makes everyone poorer. It’s a crisis that is desecrating the countryside with industrialisation, with eyesores that kill protected birds, while covering fertile farm land with mirrors that produce energy during daylight hours only, often barely. It might be a slight exaggeration, but basing national energy supply on the weather is like a florist basing their business model on the Titan Arum, which only blooms every three to seven years
The Net Zero crisis is of a magnitude global warming can only dream of. Amnesty International claims climate change is one of the most important issues facing the world, yet remains silent on the impact of Net Zero on working class jobs, or say the 12 whale deaths off the East Coast in December due to wind farms. The now multi billion dollar green industry occupied by graduates in jobs they can't draw, instead draw red lines through the professions of working class people in the oil, steel and car industry; writing lives off from overheated offices in London in the name of the spurious and unscientific belief that humans are driving a slight increase in planet temperature.
An example of this is Net Zero zealot Tony Bosworth from Friends of the Earth. He might be friends of the earth, but not to the people who populate it. In January 20205 the UK had to depend upon gas for at least 70% of its energy production due to low wind and the surprising discovery that the UK isn’t sunny enough in winter to generate meaningful solar power.
As with politicians like Miliband, Bosworth believes that the only way to save the planet is to destroy industrial civilisation. He suggests we return to the preindustrial age: “The priority now is to move away from gas as well,” he told (shock horror) the Guardian. His clownish commitment to unreliable renewables suggests he hasn’t ever looked at what’s powering our National Grid, or where his soy milk comes from, or what is in his iPhone case. “We have an abundance of natural resources like wind and solar,” he says on FoE’s website. “They’ll go on forever, and we won’t be reliant on expensive gas and oil.” Well, not on a windless night they don’t, and energy is required continually. These are the same luddites who oppose nuclear reactors, the cleanest, most reliable and safest energy source, because they watched the Simpsons.
Depending upon the unreliability of the weather - although it is reliably dark overnight - for reliable energy is deluded. People have been sectioned for less. Perhaps we should be grateful for rainbows not being harnessed for energy production. I guess they’re too busy alienating heterosexuals from every other sexual proclivity. Two weeks ago NESO warned that the U.K.’s demand for power was coming dangerously close to exceeding supply.
The reason for the UK’s rabid pursuit of Net Zero is to set an example for the world to follow, which is an example of exactly how not to run a country’s energy supply. It’s telling everyone how warm it is once you’re in, while holding your jaw to stop the shivering from loosening your fillings. Miliband probably choked on another bacon sandwich as Trump left the Paris Climate Accord, overturning Biden’s pledge to reduce Co2 emissions as much as two-thirds by 2035 compared to 2005 levels, with his declaration of ‘drill, baby, drill’. Trump understands that dependable and cheap energy drives prosperity and a secure society. Miliband seems to think he can save the entire world from warming by driving the UK off a cliff. With the rest of the world’s industrial nations preferring not to sacrifice their economic and energy security at the Net Zero altar, the UK stands alone in saving the world from ‘global boiling’ as it aims to reduce it’s 1% of global emissions to, well, zero. Our 1% is evidently far more significant than China’s 32% or USA’s 12% or India’s 7%. It takes someone of higher intellect than Miliband to realise that the UK could succeed in Net Zero at the cost of living standards, jobs and energy without having the slightest impact upon global temperatures even if they were impacted by manmade Co2 rather than natural cycles.
Recently, the most terrifying development is the Climate and Nature Bill, a private members bill already with support of 195 MPs, brought by eco-loon Caroline Lucas who is taking a break from destroying Brighton to apply her destructive vision to the entire UK, who is supportive of the disaster of nuclear reactors going offline.
This bill adds to Miliband’s target of reducing Britain’s carbon emissions by 81 per cent – relative to a 1990 baseline - by 2035 by demanding that the UK reduce the carbon emissions embedded in imports by a similar proportion. This includes steel, chemicals, fertilisers, foods and many other products that create carbon emissions. Having removed steel emissions from our own carbon figures by closing down our primary steel industry, this lunacy will presumably include carbon-free steel, which is impossible; it’s wrought iron, which is inadequate in strength and flexibility for modern construction. This woeful State meddling would affect everything from the energy that heats homes and drives a modern economy, to all the medicines, fertilisers, chemicals and food that sustain life.
For politicians like Miliband and Caroline Lucas who live in a world of such privilege that they are immune to taking the UK back to pre-industrial times, it appears that the only way to save the planet is to destroy contemporary civilisation. It’s easy to see why most countries ignore him. The Labour Party once represented working people, now they attack them from every angle. This is the end of the world we need to be warned about. As is so frequently the case with any governmental intervention, the solution is worse than the problem it’s aiming to solve. Net Zero is the disaster that is already here in the UK as a lesson to the world.
While you brilliantly describe the insanity that passes for UK governance right now, you cannot ignore Germany's Energiewende policy, which for the past decade has been undermining the previous European champion and seems set to collapse their own economy before Messr's Starmer and Milliband can pull the same trick in the UK.
I feel for you and can only thank our lucky stars in the US we are not following that road to ruin
This is an excellent article Tom. I learned a lot from it and enjoyed reading it. The chart showing deaths from climate events should become compulsory reading for all MPs and should be the basis of a TV debate or some such thing to help educate the public and debunk the nonsense we get fed by loons like Caroline Lucas who should be forced to explain that chart! Your closing remarks on Labour and Miliband’s mission to reduce UK emissions by 81% (from a low base) by 2035 while I presume China and India will continue to increase, are prescient. With your permission I will copy your climate death chart and send it to some of my friends who seem to me to have lost their minds on this issue?