Brilliant summary and as mentioned in your assessment- a look at the truly awful attire of some of our newly appointed ministers should give a clue as to what awaits us : Rayner, Nandy,Phillipson .

The thought of Mad Miliband vandalising our farmland and the rest of our dwindling countryside with bird choppers, solar arrays and giant transmission lines, all in the cause of a cultish policy with questionable assertions and now increasingly challenged by numbers of experts, is horrifying,along with the prospect of mass migration on steroids and resurgent Islamism.

The Starmeramas will manage, constrain ,coerce and intrude with the shiny grinning meddler supreme- Tony Blair- as puppeteer in chief.

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Miliband needs to have a wind turbine in his garden. Or even on top of his head.

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Jul 10Liked by Tom Ed

Excellent stuff, and sadly, completely accurate. I hear they’re even talking about Blair taking over from Schwab in the WEF. God help us all. Doubtless Starmer will like it in Davos even more than he did before should that happen.

On the back of your article I cast an eye over the Blair Institute’s website. The horror.

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The Blair institute website is the kind of thing nightmares are knitted from

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It truly is.

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Even more concerning is the latest news: Starmer will approve the provision of British missiles to Ukraine with the understanding that this materiel can be fired into Russia proper; is this a wise decision?

The Starmeramas are unable or unwilling to commit to the prevention of the mass migration which is destabilising this crowded country,let alone start the deportations; it has committed to the vandalisation of our farmland and countryside thanks to Mad Miliband, is still not entirely persuaded that biological reality trumps cultism-thanks to the presence of trans sympathisers in the Cabinet and our depleted forces would probably have difficulty fighting their way out of a paper bag, thanks to cutbacks,DEI and CRT requirements.

Should we stock up on tins,loo roll and bottled water as we await WW3?


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and Β£3b a year for as long as it takes apparently. once again, whatever that means!

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I guess now we'll see how empty Putins' threats against The Falklands and Gibralta we're then!

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Jul 14Liked by Tom Ed

Miliband killed off the UK economy within days.

As I post

The 44Gw of renewable windmills and solar panels on a windy, reasonable sunny day are producing 11.14 Gw with a demand of 29.89Gw - and he thinks he can 'decarbonise the grid' in 5 years! ROFL

Invest in diesel generator firms, because their generators are going to be in great demand in about 3 years if EUronews is right, and probably sooner it David Turver and his Eigen-Values substack is right (I'd back Turver by the way)

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Absolutely. It’s insanity at best, planned and intended at worst.

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Jul 10Liked by Tom Ed

I haven't met anyone that voted Labour, was the vote rigged?

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Not have I actually

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Brilliant summary! Our only hope lies in their stupidity and incompetence.

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Thank you very much. I'm glad you enjoyed it, and indeed. Labour is about as a united front as the Gallagher brothers !

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Fantastic stuff Tom. Nailed every point. Thank you!

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Worth reading; a study of the cloneocrats-the entitled experts who have ruined us.

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Don’t forget that during the globally-coordinated Covid β€œplandemic”, WEF puppet Starmer called for harder lockdowns, β€œsafe and effective” (so he said) vaccines and booster for all adults, vaccines for children and coercive vaccine passports: https://x.com/Artemisfornow/status/1805627602444456064?t=9ZnO75DrG3PetuWZ8dEvwA&s=19.

Starmer’s pursuit of pointless unilateral Net Zero (along with the rest of the treasonous Uniparty) when the rest of the world is not taking a blind bit of notice is the easiest giveaway that β€œclimate change” is more than just a hoax, it is a long-planned deadly assault on the people (as with Covid).

My debunking of the climate change hoax is here: https://metatron.substack.com/p/debunking-the-climate-change-hoax.

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Even wordle was BLARE the other day ! Great piece Tom , always so funny

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Thank you!!! xx

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Also the threat to our democracy (what little we have) via Labour's 'A New Britain' https://labour.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Commission-on-the-UKs-Future.pdf

Excellent summary, Tom. Devastating.

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I share your concerns Tom.

Would be a more powerful piece without the sartorial judgementalism in my opinion though! X

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Cheers Joe. Thanks for reading and feedback.

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A very witty take on our wobbly times! Some of the analogies in here made me chuckle out loud :)

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