Jun 21·edited Jun 24Liked by Tom Ed

I think part of the reason is that many people have no idea how things work, they are over educated and clueless about real life. Try asking them basic questions and watch the blank looks. Of course they don't need to know as long as they can call someone who does when something needs fixing or replacing, but this lack of understanding makes them very susceptible to the conmen and women who pretend to govern us.

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I certainly think it’s an automatic and non considered decision . There’s no real reflection. Most of the time it’s jsut cool to hate the tories . Who currently deserve to be disliked but mainly because they no longer uphold conservative values

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Jun 21Liked by Tom Ed

Brilliant! I think they do it because the Guardian tells them to.

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Funnily enough I had meant to add that ! You can now take credit 😂🙏

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If you go to “guardian climate crisis” (I won’t sully Tom's substack by giving a direct link), you will encounter a blizzard of madcap climate activism, all of it based on lies as there is no climate crisis and man-made CO2 global warming/heating/boiling is a fraud.

It currently includes an article by Tory Chris Skidmore (standing down) who steered through Theresa May’s ruinous Net Zero legislation, saying that we need a Labour government.

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I think a severe lack of critical thinking is to blame. Maybe fatigue. More likely and my preferred is stupidity. To be fair, the tories & labour and to a lesser extent libdem are all cheeks of the same arse. Throw in the greens and there's so little difference so maybe everyone is now indifferent about it all and vote out of duty.

I'm returning to vote after 15 years but only to disrupt the usual suspects (I live in a tory strong hold, current muppet has been sat in 1998). I have no political leaning but reform is the vote disruptor in my area.

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I have to admit that I prob won't vote. It's a system that wishes to rule over us and I have no interest anymore - I used to be pretty political. As you say, they all have the same intentions.

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I have considered carefully my action this election. They rely on apathy to bulldoze 'democracy'. I agree, the whole system is a joke but an alternative would rely on a very strong willed public to take power.

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Remember Emily Thornberry’s white van man comment?

That shows you what they really think.

Tories are just labour lite.

Everyone I know is voting Reform.

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Most people I know are voting Reform, or at least the ones I can stomach talking politics with. Many others are already rolling out the bunting for their deliverance from the yoke of the Tories, while walking into a tighter one with the more authoritarian Labour.

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My dad and brothers will vote Labour, no matter who. It disgusts me. I always mock my father asking why he doesn't care about his female grandchildren etc. It doesn't work. They're completely captured by the BBC/Guardian.

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Well written. Starmer is inconsistent too which some may accept in a system dominated by mendacious and unscientific lies.

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Absolutely, more slippery than a freshly landed fish. And thank you for reading/commenting.

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