The smartest thing they could do is invest in tech that has been proposed that could efficiently and effectively create hydrocarbons like methane from captured CO2 - thereby replacing some of the use of oil with an effectively recycled hydrocarbon. That way you aren't completely changing the economy and technology, you are changing how you acquire the fuel for it. But alas... that's nowhere near as politic as shifting the carbon creation to other people's backyards and pretending that your virtue signalling Tesla/Rivian/Fisker/Hybrid shitbox is saving the planet. It's also nowhere near as economically divisive and won't make the middle classes progressively poorer and less mobile as forcing them to pay ridiculous carbon taxes and it wont reduce car ownership as much as $100,000+ electric nonce-boxes that are now deliberately intended to be somewhere between your iPhone and the kitchen fridge in disposability.

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electric nonce-boxes is the best thing I've heard today! Brilliant.

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May 13Liked by Tom Ed

The scary thing is that these people believe they are on the right side of history, with an unquestioning zeal. By the time they have finished, there'll be nobody left to write the history and nothing to write it with. Dark ages, here we come.

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Thank you for reading and commenting Lucy . I hope you are well. And that's absolutely right isn't it. The kids of today already know no different. Although I am aware that apparently the next lot after generation Zzzz - whatever they are called - are more cynical?

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Excellent stuff Tom. The same goes for Covid, trans, and all of DEI. There’s a huge amount of money being made from the dismantling of Western civilisation.

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Absolutely, And it's exactly that - the unstitching of all that has come before until we end up on a post apocalyptic future where no one even knows how we invented the kettle

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Yes. Or how they work. Or why the government isn’t subsiding more of them now that a new survey reveals that 67% of British children are currently experiencing what experts have dubbed ‘Tea-Poverty.’

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Haha! And how in god's name did they become cordless! Cheers for the comment. It's always very much appreciated.

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Not the planet not us Davos man and his elitist entitled cabals. So good to hear Clint Eastwood has told the required board what they can do with his 6 Oscars!

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Yes. A proper dude . Doing the right thing. He always oozed an integrity in his scripts and his acting 🙏

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May 24Liked by Tom Ed

Excellent article, thank you.

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Well thank you very much for reading and taking time to comment. Much appreciated.

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Good read and spot on.

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Thank you Richard . Much appreciated. Tom

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May 19Liked by Tom Ed

Any retrograde policy needs subsidy. Efficient innovation pays its way

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I guess the problem is that thei is retrograding our economy with renewable unreliables.

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May 17Liked by Tom Ed

Your article should be required reading around the globe, and certainly in the halls of power that blindly continue to support this nonsense. Western nations seem determined not only to impoverish their own citizens, but to prevent developing nations from lifting their own citizens out of the cycle of poverty by denying them access to the miracle that is fossil fuels. If it is nothing more than unchecked greed, may God have mercy on their souls.

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Thank you Steve . Others have written similar but I’m pleased you enjoyed it. And thank you for taking time to comment . Much appreciated 🙏

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May 16Liked by Tom Ed

excellent stuff again mate. and it feels like we'll soon all be living it and thinking how mad max was meant as sci-fi not a documentary 😬

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Cheers Chris! Thanks for reading once again! 🙏

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