
Thank you very much for the restock - much appreciated Glenn. And a very happy new year to you.

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Jan 1Liked by Tom Ed

This is a really great read, Tom. It’s also very much on the money. How people give our illustrious leaders a free ride (quite literally) when flying into these events in their private jets in their thousands (soon to be repeated for the Davos soirée!). No one says a word against that. All just so they can have their discussion about how the little people have to give up things so they don’t have to.

Of course, its a great earner for all the clingers-on brigade, ex-politicians and industry leaders, all making an absolute mint out of pushing ‘climate change’ (formerly ‘global warming,’ but that proved too difficult to sell to the masses as it was too easy to disprove....climate change could encompass all sorts of weather phenomenon they could sell as ‘extreme’ and as being your fault and mine). The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy. It’s a win win for the purveyors of the greatest wealth transfer in history.

I predict more ‘extreme’ weather for 2024! Don’t you!? 🤣

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Jan 2·edited Jan 2Liked by Tom Ed

they promoting is Co2 is the problem thats bullocks the problem is methane and hydro sulfate that amazon book "Fever Rising" explains this, the Geo-engineering is causing bad side effects and their abusing the weather modification program, IBM, Google measure methane levels, if you remove co2 you will destroy all plant life and all animals that will reduce the human population to be forced to live in some Dome Dystopian City, plants need C02, what I see they did where I live knock down trees on side of mountain to power the high school with solar panels.

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Jan 2Liked by Tom Ed

David King - wasn't he the one telling us to drive diesel cars to save the planet some years ago? And as for The Times - I often send them letters asking why we never see their 'earth is doomed' supplements on the same day as their 'best long-haul holidays' supplements. As yet, they have declined to publish these letters.

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Ackman will know, once he takes down the MIT professoriate and admin he will move on to other targets. Remember the 2005 Iodonnidis paper that most research is irreproducible? A big pendulum is swinging back and it will crash into many institutions.

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Marvellous invective. I would be tempted to plagiarize it, except I might be caught by Bill Ackman and his AI!

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Jan 7Liked by Tom Ed

Could I ask where you knew that from? Wouldn't mind a link.

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Jan 5·edited Jan 5Liked by Tom Ed

Great article, but with one glaring omission: the net zero zealots are not only being propagandised by a green industry incentivised by money (in fact, this is a small influencer), they are being propagandised by an elite cabal that control the green industry and whose mission it is to control behaviour, control spending and restrict movement. Net Zero is a tool being used to silently advance a communist agenda.

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Jan 3Liked by Tom Ed

Given plankton feeds on Co2 in sea water then shouldn't an increase in Co2 mean an increase in plankton (after all, all that free food just floating around out there aint gonna consume itself right?)?

And if plankton has increased then doesnt this mean its good times for everything else feeding upon plankton and the things that eat plankton?

Or is the Co2 in the water the wrong kind? ;)

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Jan 1Liked by Tom Ed

That was so good

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I'm not sure where to post this - but whoever posted this article elsewhere thank you so much. It's increased my subscribers and readership fourfold. It's really massively appreciated. I feel as though I have some readers now! Thank you!

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6 H2O + 6 CO2 +sunlight -> C6H12O6 + 6 O2 .....Plantlife.

C6H12O6 + 6 O2 -> 6 CO2 + 6H2O + Energy.... Animal life, or fire.

Not a toxin or a poison in sight, actually the gas of life. That's why they are banning it, population control is everything to these people.

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Evidence that climate stasis has ever existed is absent. Climate change is constant. Human lifespans allow us to observe weather, not climate.

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Good essay but too long for most people, should be 500 words max. Why not answer your own question >> how much CO2 is man-made?' I believe it's around 0.12% of 'greenhouse gases' of which 96% is naturally occurring water vapour. But the really big, $50 million dollar question is 'who has been engineering the climate hoax for over 40 years? Who is REALLY behind it and why?' I know but do you or any of your readers?

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the climate has always change on this planet since it was created, the govs are controlling the weather due to the pollution that collapse the original weather ecosystem from creating rain the byproducts after effects "Industrial Revolution" ....

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is a scam, their geo engineering the weather 50s degrees , to 40 degrees here on US East Coast is finally 30 degrees now, on Xmas it was 64 degrees, the climate always been change, this climate change stuff is just a grifter scam to steal more money and to lower the standard of living...

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