Oct 2·edited Oct 2

Looking forward to the power cuts. I think they should be concentrated in constituencies that voted Labour MPs into power.

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Agree completely. People have to actually suffer before they finally take action; I've seen it time and again throughout life. No-one bats an eyelid until either the personal wallet is hit or the body physically suffers (cold, lack of food, etc). And my constituency was dumb enough to replace a long-term Tory MP with a foreign-looking Labourite who doesnt even live in the area.

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Minibrain is obsessive. The whole disaster is based on a lie-that Co2 warms the atmosphere, whereas the tiny percentage is essential for plant growth. Minibrain's solution is nothing but virtue signalling, since if we cannot produce our own power, we will have to import it adding to the cost and emissions of so doing. How an otherwise intelligent humanoid can think otherwise is a mystery to me. Every alternative to fossils cost more, and work less well, like battery cars and air source heat pumps. Madness!

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What's fascinating is that today - 2nd October - only 28.9% of power generation is via renewables as there is less wind: 14.7%

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As at 1pm wi d is 11%, solar doing well at 22% (not so much tonight!). Without gas, 29%, we would be stuffed even with the 20% from interconnectors.

Thay must see their dream is impossible so it must be plain old treason against the UK

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it's got to be - the evidence of the impact is clear.

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Ed Miliband was the one who introduced the 2008 Climate Change bill, blinded by the now Baroness Worthington from the Friends of the Earth who drafted the legislation supported - without any due diligence or impact assessment except for economic predictions full of untruths - by all but 5 MPs. Everyone in the House of Commons was to blame; many of the public was and is to blame - because people sent in emails to their MPs demanding that they pass the legislation. Nothing willl happen till the Climate Change Committee is disbanded and all the decarbonisation legislation is repealed. Will this ever happen? Perhaps only when we have had really harmful blackouts and are truly impoverished. Will this ever happen? Interconnectors from the EU and other imports will continue to hide the mess, so maybe not even though utility bills will go up and up. Will the people ever realise decarbonisation was only ever about deindustrialisation of the West - as planned by globalists, the UNEP and other fascists? I doubt it.

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as I have written elsewhere, until the climate zealots, like Miliband, stop exhaling CO2 into the atmosphere, we will know that they do not honestly believe their BS but are gaining something else.

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An excellent article Tom. This is the most comprehensive destruction of the climate change lie and defenestration of UK self-harm ideology I’ve read. That one chart alone showing China and India increasing CO2 emissions by 200% and 150% respectively from an already MASSIVE base really says it all. Yes Miliband is an idiot, a zealot and dangerous but the Tories under Boris and his crazy Missus and even Mrs May (she also ran through a field of wheat and killed some plants) weren’t much better really. It’s going to be an accumulation of the effects of self-harm and hopefully a Trump win (and maybe some Reform local council and by election wins) to wake people up. One other fact not mentioned by Tom is that Tata shut Port Talbot and opened a blast furnace in India. Net effect on emissions zero! Why did they do it? Labour costs are higher in Wales than India but electricity is over 7x higher and coal is readily available whereas we could have supplied Cumbrian coal. But guess who gave that coal mine in Cumbria the kiss of death.

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Thank you very much.

And yes! I saw that Tata has opened blast furnace in India. The UK has been fully dismantled now. We are at the mercy of foreign powers. Quite an achievement by our 'rulers' and we've allowed it to happen.

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We did allow it to happen Tom but when both main parties were offering the same thing what choice did we have. Next time we can take the blame if we don’t vote Reform.

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The welfare state has collapsed and the country is economically and militarily in rapid decline. How to convince people that they still need « leaders » who have never achieved anything outside party politics ? Answer : invent a new project of world historical importance (!)

Naturally, for those countries with a future, the project is a ludicrous exhibition of self importance, tragic and risible at the same time.

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Splendid essay, Tom. I realise now the error of my cowboy boot and shorts phase. On the thorny problem of who will stop this, I believe we need a "Goldilocks" crisis - hot enough to force widespread public recognition of the course we are setting to return to early Victorian squalor and life expectancy, but not so hot that we collapse our financial system and economy entirely. A very cold winter this year might qualify. Sadly, given that 26,000 more vulnerable people already die in the winter than in the summer, it will likely involve death. But better a smaller number now than a larger number later.

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Oh, and thank you for reading and commenting. Tom

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Haha. Hi Richard, And We all had an equivalent of the cowboy boot and shorts phase.

And you're right. we are now being taxed until we squeak, with government, particularly this Labour one, determined to (as you say) return Britain to a pre empire, pre industrial age.

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Wow well researched so depressing what idiots they are

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Talk about “déjà vu all over again”! Miliband was spouting this “global climate leadership by example” nonsense 15 years ago when Labour was last in power and since then the majority non-Western world has totally ignored our self-harming example. Yet here we are in 2024 and Labour is recycling the same old climate leadership nonsense: https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/this-government-will-show-global-leadership-on-the-climate-crisis-uk-statement-at-the-un.

As to your final paragraph question as to why Labour are pursuing Net Zero so fanatically, I elieve their ulterior motive is to deliberately deindustrialise the country and impoverish the people, at the behest of their globalist overlords as exemplified by the Club of Rome declaration: “The real enemy, then, is humanity itself”.

Unpoliticised science shows that there is no need whatsoever to “decarbonise” as CO2 is not the “control knob” of global climate. The science shows that atmospheric CO2 is already “saturated”, which means that even doubling its concentration from the present level will cause negligible global warming. It is doubly pointless to attempt it unilaterally and triply pointless because Net Zero is technically infeasible. Whether or not they know it, all our Lab/Con/Lib/SNP Uniparty politicians are lying to us about Net Zero and taking us all for fools.

It’s been going on for far too long, it’s already far too destructive and it’s time to take the gloves off. All their predictions of climate thermageddon have failed. Contrary to their fake “climate emergency” narrative, prior to the current Hunga Tonga unprecedented warming spike (which is bound to dissipate before long), global temperatures had at best flatlined net of transient ENSO events over the last 25 years: https://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/uah6/from:1998.

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I also think that the intention is to deliberately deindustrialise the UK, they are going in hard. It makes me wonder what the globalists are going ot do about India, for eg, although perhaps its simply the west they wish to destroy? We know Starmer is a member of the Club of Rome with their declaration of “The real enemy, then, is humanity itself”.

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Slight typo merthinks - 31st September...

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thank you - I appreciate you letting me know - I'll correct.

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