Will the UN, WHO and WEF save us or enslave us..?
Agenda 2030 coming for us either which way.
Against my better judgement I’ve decided to investigate Agenda 2030. It’s remarkably soul-destroying literature written by people apparently without a soul; by the sort of experts who relish keyword global-speak that operate words as a tool to confuse rather than clarify. It makes less sense the longer you stare at it, yet is the prose these faceless bureaucrats sustain themselves as cows do on the cud. It runs to countless pages and demands state-led reviews of its plans. Shame they forgot to ask us about Agenda 2030 before 197 countries signed up without asking their electorate.
Agenda 2030 is bandied about in either referential, or foreboding tones, depending upon whether you read the Guardian newspaper or not. It is the UN envisioning a world for which they take responsibility: free of poverty and hunger, with full and productive employment, access to quality education and universal health coverage, the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls, and an end to environmental degradation. The communist party should be pursuing them in court, but of course they’re not interested in money.
Anyway, the utopian vision all sounds rather jolly, until you wonder how they might achieve this. After all, a surprise makeover of your house is a fine idea until you can’t find your socks and the designers concluded you only ‘need’ two chairs and no windows. That’s presumably once you’ve returned home from your full day of productive employment. I mean what bullshit is this? Even Rod Stewart sometimes collapses over the threshold following a productive day of relentless interpretation of the great American songbook. Actually, this might support the argument for authoritative bodies to assess what’s defined as unproductive, but anyway it’s somewhat likely that the autocrats dictating this will, as ever, enjoy full and productive days dropping grapes into their mouth beside azure villa pools. Our future lies in the past.
It isn’t the responsibility of institutions to find you productive employment. One man’s insurance selling is another’s barman. Is there a hotline if you’ve had a bad day at work and want a new job? The Soviet Union was a big fan of providing employment that often led to you filling in a hole your colleague had recently dug, which surprisingly didn’t lead to an immense sense of self-worth via allegiance to the party. And let’s face it, the health care the EU, UN and the WHO are interested in is maximising dependence upon big pharma, genomics and digital systems, doubtlessly linked to central banking digital currencies that handcuff the population to a system with which they must comply or have no means of transaction.
As some wag commented on the internet - the quest for a 'utopia' on Earth is always book-ended by mass graves. And the agenda is cross party; the most radical global intentions to overhaul our way of life and both UK parties, as with lockdowns, are in accord.
It’s similar to the Human Rights Act declaring everyone has a right to family life. Well, they don’t actually. Who’s dishing out these ‘rights’? Who do you sue if you don’t have a family? You have to work hard at pursuing these goals and the achievement of which is what gives life purpose, not waiting in line for them to be dished out by the State. One experience of developing as a person is to have an unproductive job and decide to change it. And what if you’re a woman who enjoys traditional mothering roles that are viewed as demeaning and unequal by our Rulers?
Globalists have a deep distrust for sovereign national states because until they are dismantled any plans for a utopian one world government is impeded, so they have infiltrated our institutions; the erosion is from within. The 2030 Agenda is impossible without active involvement of central and local governments in the implementation of their 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
The arrogance of these institutions is that think they can iron out the inequalities of life. Life isn’t fair. It never has been, and even when it’s going swimmingly for the tribe, the mammoth has had a very bad day indeed. It’s also notable that there’s no mention of spirituality or religion, presumably, as with all fascist states, religion is superfluous. In fact, the underlying doctrine here is that man is greater than God; that meaning to life can be imbued by global unelected organisations, immunity can be enhanced without side effects, or that lockdowns can combat a virus without any cost.
The supranational bodies of the UN, WHO and the World Economic Forum with their self-appointed authority are pushing the 2030 agenda with the tenacity of children demanding sweets at supermarket checkouts. The WEF even declared that Covid-19 has given stimulus for cities to push harder on the sustainable development goals of net zero. It’s not just WEF but WHO are also sticking their snouts in. At their conference in December 2020 they declared ‘we cannot afford to resume business as usual; we must build back better, healthier and more resilient.’ They are all on the same page and often in the same shoes. Let’s not forget the WHO’s incoming Pandemic Accord that will give the global health body extraordinary powers over so-called sovereign governments.
And what’s particularly clever is the language. It’s far easier to combat an advancing army than it is to resist autocrats encroaching upon our lives via sustainable development goals; opposition is akin to shooting down clouds with artillery. The wording is such that anyone who opposes their ‘good’ intentions is by default bad. If further evidence was needed that we are sleepwalking into a dystopian future it was the recent lack of panic in newsreaders’ reporting of AI replacements lining up to take their jobs; one weatherman even joked he had man-flu, which AI would never get. He sounded like a condemned man offering to help tie the noose.
Goal 13 of agenda 2030 is to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts, and is the kind if typical inflexible goal of top down authoritarianism. It assumes without debate that manmade climate change is an accepted truth, and woe betide anyone who suggests otherwise, or that a short 20-year spell of warming started to run out of steam over two decades ago. Our rulers need the manmade CO2 warming scare as it’s the engine room (v12 petrol obvs) needed to promote the radical transformation planned for human society. And people are nodding along, carefully recycling, while the bin men throw it all in one truck.
The current front line of ‘building back better’ is the 15-minute cities, of which there are already 16 worldwide, and in the UK Oxford, Bristol, Canterbury and Sheffield already rolling out how we ‘should’ be living as the local authorities put it, all of which are anti-car. The entire concept is developed primarily to reduce carbon emissions. And we can relax, as the claim that 15-minute cities are 'climate change lockdowns' has been fact checked by USA Today and debunked. I’m sure USA Today is as impartial to political allegiance as a windsock is to the prevailing wind.
Crucially the 2030 / Net Zero agenda ignores the fact that despite proclamations of the BBC and other globalist media mouthpieces, science is never settled, and that there’s considerable evidence showing the earth’s temperature has increased before the slight increase in CO2, which by the way at 0.04% is at historically low levels, and is nourishing plant food anyway. This is all about control and the subjugation of the population to Institutions. The chant of ‘two wheels good / four wheels bad’ of Orwell’s Animal Farm pervades the media and trickles down through the indoctrination, sorry, education of our children. It’s particularly striking how they are not celebrating how much greener the earth has become over the past two decades (NASA) in primary school reception areas.
The entire Net Zero agenda and its adherence to the (read their) science aims for the deindustrialisation of the West and to ban the use of petrol/diesel cars. You need only look at Extinction Clock (https://extinctionclock.org/#show) to see how awry the shoddy modelling of environmental predictions are yet we are sacrificing our way of life at the altar of a catastophising doom cult.
Why cars you may ask, despite them now having the cleanest engines ever known, well, Thelma and Louise didn’t take a greyhound across the States, and the Blues Brothers’ didn’t take the train because the car is freedom. The UN do however promote the use of easily limited electric cars, although the lithium mining that seeps into the landscape resulting in poisoned livestock and rivers is conveniently ignored, and which require fossil fuels to be reliably charged anyway.
Alarmingly since the Covid hysteria what these powerful institutions have is evidence of an easily persuadable populous who comply without question to authority. The queues for vaccination outside GP surgeries hummed with the sort of anticipation normally associated with waiting outside the Ministry of Sound in the 90s; they all felt part of something, even if it was participation in a nationwide experimental mRrna gene therapy. What fun. We had grown adults displaying their sickly green and purple sticker like proud children, and denouncing those preferring to rely on natural immunity against a virus posing them no risk as anti-social and dangers to society.
Agenda 2030, Net Zero and all attached to them is about global overreach and control; the implication is that without our governments we can’t achieve anything by ourselves, or cannot be trusted to do so. It’s patronising and infantilising and poses a real and present danger to our, and our children’ way of life. Stand up.
Excellent article